Yoga Class Videos
with Free Spirit Fitness
Yoga Class Videos in the comfort of your own home

Yoga Videos backhealth, female trainer leamington spa, fitness, free yoga class, personal trainer leamington, yoga, Yoga Classes, yoga classes online, yoga kenilworth, yoga leamington spa, yoga warwickLeave a Comment on Mellow Yoga (15 mins)
Mellow Yoga (15 mins)
Feeling stressed and a bit anxious? Use this calm yoga sequence to ground yourself giving you that wholesome feeling of calm.

Yoga Videos backhealth, female trainer leamington spa, fitness, free yoga class, personal trainer leamington, yoga, Yoga Classes, yoga classes online, yoga kenilworth, yoga leamington spa, yoga warwick
Healthy Back Yoga (10 mins)
Is your back sore? Feeling tight and uncomfortable? Here is a short and sweet yoga sequence you can do daily to help relieve it.

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Core Yoga Sequence (20 mins)
A nice yoga sequence that you can do at home, designed to strengthen your core muscles and stretch the areas that feel tight.

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Yoga Meditation (15 mins)
What is the benefit of meditation? Breathing deeply has a wonderful effect on both the mind and body. When the body breathes deeply, the brain recognises that all is well and we are safe. It is the “off button” to our natural stress response. This focus is needed more now than ever because busy lifestyles […]
Hip Opening Yoga Sequence
There are several reasons why your hips may be tight: in could be sport-induced (if you like running or cycling), lifestlye-induced (if you have a sedentary job or sit alot) or due to weak core muscles. Some people also think that we hold our emotions in our hips so if we are mentally tense then […]

Yoga, Yoga Videos female trainer leamington spa, fitness, free yoga class, personal trainer leamington, yoga, Yoga Classes, yoga classes online, yoga kenilworth, yoga leamington spa, yoga warwick
Hip flexor Yoga Sequence (15 mins)
The tricky thing about having tight hip flexors is that we often don’t realise that they are tight! For years I trained in gyms doing loads of squats, burpees and any other exercise I could get my hands on! Over time, I started to get really sore knees and assumed that there must be an […]
Hamstring Strech Yoga Sequence
Tight hamstrings are an issue for so many people! Some people feel no discomfort, but notice that they are restricted in their range of movement and any stretch can feel quite uncomfortable. Others may feel more frequent discomfort and pain in their every day life due to the tension there. If you are suffering now […]

Fitness, Yoga Videos personal trainer leamington, personal training, running, running stretches, yoga, yoga class, yoga leamington, yoga teacher, yogaforrunners, yogaleamingtonspa
Post-run Yoga Stretch
After hours indoors, it is so nice to get the heart rate up, the good chemicals flowing and be out in the arms of nature. I feel like nature feels our need right now and is currently showing off BIG STYLE with it’s beauty and sunshine! It is very easy when we have limited time […]

Yoga Videos female trainer leamington spa, fitness, free yoga class, personal trainer leamington, yoga, Yoga Classes, yoga classes online, yoga kenilworth, yoga leamington spa, yoga warwick
Stretch + Relaxation Yoga: Class 3
Some easy yoga that you can do at home, designed to calm and centre both mind and body. It is totally free! In these uncertain times, we need to prioritise staying grounded and look after the health of ourselves and our families and friends.

Yoga Videos female trainer leamington spa, fitness, free yoga class, personal trainer leamington, yoga, Yoga Classes, yoga classes online, yoga kenilworth, yoga leamington spa, yoga warwick
Stretch + Relaxation Yoga: Class 2
Some easy yoga that you can do at home, designed to calm and centre both mind and body. It is totally free! In these uncertain times, we need to prioritise staying grounded and look after the health of ourselves and our families and friends.
Fancy a 3 week yoga challenge?
Are you enjoying these videos but want to feel what it is like to have a more progressive and less random practice? Check out my 21 day yoga course here. Suitable for ALL levels, it takes you from smooth newbie to fantastic flower in only 3 weeks! Each week you can select the length of practice that best suits you and whether you fancy a mellow, energising or restorative flow 🙂 What are you waiting for? Get started today! All content is online so can be done at a time that suits you.