Breaking bad habits

We all know that the key to success in fitness and body change is consistency: a very tricky notion for naturally inconsistent beings! On good days, wellbeing (treating ourselves well) is an easy task, but there are always days where we don’t feel so good and doing well for ourselves seems totally against our natural inclination. (more…)


5 awesome yoga poses to do post-run!

Running is amazing cardiovascular work and is also great for calorie burning and stress release – the only downside is, it can make you very tight! After running or training intensively, you may well end up less flexible than when you started. Here are 5 yoga poses that will stretch your tight muscles and will feel so good, you will want to do them again and again!



What type of yoga is for YOU?

The Yoga world can be somewhat bamboozling so this blog is born out of wanting to breakdown into accessible non-yogi language, what kinds of yoga there are (this may help you if you are making decisions as to whether to try certain classes etc) and also to show why it is tricky to generalise when talking about yoga because there are so many different types, all of which offer a very different experience. 
