Martin Browne shows us how to wave goodbye to flabby arms with this Triceps workout!
The back of the arms, the tricep muscles, are a common complaint for a lot…
The back of the arms, the tricep muscles, are a common complaint for a lot…
Tabata Training was invented by Japanese professor Dr. Izumi Tabata in the late 1990s. He used it to train olympic speed skaters! Since then, it has been used by athletes and gym bunnies alike to make fitness gains in a short amount of time. The great thing about Tabata training (apart from the obvious appeal of how brief the workout can be) is that it is accessible to everyone! As long as you are working as hard as you can then that is all that matters 🙂
The majority of people that work out will, at one time or another, have said that they want to “tone up” but what does this actually mean? Toning up requires two things: gaining muscle and losing body fat.
In order to have a toned physique, you must create an environment that will support muscle building. This is not as simple as just lifting big heavy weights and drinking protein shakes with some raw eggs on the side.
Weight training and yoga are worlds apart in so many ways that it seems a…
The body knows what it needs. Go to the mat without agenda. Begin to move...…
Hey Folks! As I am away for the next couple of weeks and there have…
Muscles are your power houses. They require energy from the body which we consume in the form of calories. Therefore, the more muscle you have, the more energy your body will use on a daily basis. The person with more muscle burns more calories watching tv than her friend with less muscle.
Breakfast can be the most boring meal of the day! How many varieties of toast…
Muscles can get bigger and they can get smaller. If muscles can ONLY get bigger…
How many of us eat when we are hungry and stop when we are full?…