New Year, New You? Improve your Health & Fitness in 2020
Want to improve your fitness?Want to lead a healthier lifestyle?New Year, New You! Free Spirit…
Want to improve your fitness?Want to lead a healthier lifestyle?New Year, New You! Free Spirit…
By Freespirit PT Andi Dunn The last of the mince pies has gone and my…
Fad diets do not work. Slimming world and weight watchers work whilst you are doing…
We are all aware of the wonderful health benefits that oats bring with them being…
For many people, the stomach is the biggest problem area and our modern lifestyles do…
If you’re eating and exercising right, but still not losing weight, could poor sleep be…
Poor posture is a modern day problem! What causes the rounding of the upper back? Sitting at desks, peering over computer screens, mobile phone use, long hours driving or commuting are often the main culprits. But what is happening in the body when this ‘poor posture’ develops?
The rounding of the upper back (often referred to as kyphosis) results in long and weak upper back muscles which don’t activate when we need them too and over time this means tight chest and shoulders which can limit shoulder mobility. Posture issues can develop to different degrees but if your back starts to round then the problem will only get worse unless you devote sometime to increasing strength, body awareness and over time, better posture!
We can feel it trickling in… the decorations have arrived in the shops, the toy adverts are on every 5 seconds and we may well be starting to panic about the lack of weekends between now and the big day. Now as I see it, we have three options:
For 8 years, I bounced from diet to diet- either steering the wagon or very much being dragged along behind by my ankle! I was always waiting for the moment I would feel elation like the feeling at the top of the mountain when you think “I’ve made it!” But I never got this feeling, because you can always think of ways in which you could be better and you can fantasise about how much happier you would be if you were skinnier, more toned, more this, less that etc. But actually I came to realise that the time to love yourself -and enjoy being you- is actually now.
Thai Yoga massage is one of those rare things that is amazing but still good…