5 Life-Changing Food Fundamentals

For 8 years, I bounced from diet to diet- either steering the wagon or very much being dragged along behind by my ankle! I was always waiting for the moment I would feel elation like the feeling at the top of the mountain when you think “I’ve made it!” But I never got this feeling, because you can always think of ways in which you could be better and you can fantasise about how much happier you would be if you were skinnier, more toned, more this, less that etc. But actually I came to realise that the time to love yourself -and enjoy being you- is actually now. 



5 awesome yoga poses to do post-run!

Running is amazing cardiovascular work and is also great for calorie burning and stress release – the only downside is, it can make you very tight! After running or training intensively, you may well end up less flexible than when you started. Here are 5 yoga poses that will stretch your tight muscles and will feel so good, you will want to do them again and again!



5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Losing Weight

5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

The science behind losing weight comes from a simple equation:

Energy Used > Energy Consumed = Weight Loss

By burning more calories than you’re consuming your body is forced to use your fat stores as an energy source. Whilst it seems very simple on paper, it is a very delicate balance (hence why so many people struggle to lose weight) and it is achieving that perfect balance that leads to successful long-term weight loss. Below are 5 reasons why you may not be losing weight:



Does food and exercise cause you stress?!

We get stressed about work, the housework, our family, our friends, missing birthdays, poorly children, being late, not sleeping enough, drinking too much, smoking too much, eating too much, weighing too much, not working out enough…and so the list goes on. Those of us that are health conscious are constantly evaluating and judging ourselves for the choices we make and the way we live.

