Stretch + Relaxation Yoga: Class 3

Some easy yoga that you can do at home, designed to calm and centre both mind and body. It is totally free! In these uncertain times, we need to prioritise staying grounded and look after the health of ourselves and our families and friends.


Stretch + Relaxation Yoga: Class 2

Some easy yoga that you can do at home, designed to calm and centre both mind and body. It is totally free! In these uncertain times, we need to prioritise staying grounded and look after the health of ourselves and our families and friends.


Stretch + Relaxation Yoga: Class 1

Some easy yoga that you can do at home, designed to calm and centre both mind and body. It is totally free! In these uncertain times, we need to prioritise staying grounded and look after the health of ourselves and our families and friends.


Your Fitness Christmas Survival Guide!

We can feel it trickling in… the decorations have arrived in the shops, the toy adverts are on every 5 seconds and we may well be starting to panic about the lack of weekends between now and the big day. Now as I see it, we have three options: 



Make things WORK OUT for you!

Do you feel like you begin the week with such good intentions to exercise and keep fit and then as the week goes by, things just don’t work out how you want them to? Do you feel like your lifestyle is incompatible with your health and fitness goals? Here are some top tips on how to turn your intentions into action and your frustrations into SUCCESS:

  1. (more…)


Why doing LESS is sometimes MORE

In the gym nearly EVERY morning, doing classes back to back, training well over 8 hours a week – this was me five years ago.

Did my weight ever change? No.

Did my measurements ever go down? No.

Did my clothes size ever change? No.

Did it make me strong? Inevitably, over time I grew muscle.

Was I exhausted? Yes.

Did I feel good? No.

Was I happy? Not really. The irony being that because I wasn’t getting the results I wanted, I wanted to do more and always made plans to do more. Never did occur to me that actually doing less would serve my happiness and goals better. 
