Our lifestyle tends to be repetitive so if you aren’t regularly stretching, it is likely that tightnesses will occur in certain parts of the body. A common place where people feel stiff is the hip department! It could be where you hold a lot of tension but it is also probably the most noticeable part of the body because you feel it when you walk, stand up and down, tie your shoe-laces etc etc.
Often tight hips bring people to their mat and then when they are there they discover that other areas of the body are also a little tight. The great news is that freeing up those hips is so liberating!
You can stand better, enjoy improved posture, move better and feel more at ease in daily life: what’s not to love?? Below is a lovely hip-opening sequence that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Feel free to pause the video if you want to hold any postures for longer, just rest if any bits feel too tough and join back in when you feel ready 🙂
What equipment do I need?
When should I do this sequence?
You can do this sequence at any time of the day 🙂 I love doing hip opening postures first thing in the morning but whenever you have the time is always the best time! Remember to listen to your body, take your time and most important – have fun on the mat!
Do you know that we now do online courses too?
If you want to do more yoga but are finding it hard to find the time then my online courses are for you. Each course offers a selection of classes that are delivered to you each week so that you can do them at home in your own time. They are suitable for both beginners and intermediate students 🙂
If you enjoyed this video and would like to watch more, then check out our online video library. There are lots of yoga and workout videos for you to do in the comfort of your own home!
If you feel like you would benefit from some 1-to-1 support then click on the button below to book yourself in for a complementary consultation. We can then decide together what will work best for you.
See you on the mat!
Love and light,
Victoria x