Yoga is medicine for the body! Whether we do it for hours every week or just small sections of 15-20 minutes, making that time to move and connect with your body has huge health benefits.
A strong yoga practice invites a good level of foundational fitness which you can then apply into other hobbies and areas in your life. A good level of joint stability, muscle mass and core strength will serve you well in many pursuits including running! Whether you are new to running or have been running regularly for years, introducing yoga into your fitness regime will not only decrease the likelihood of injury but will also help with your recovery between your running efforts.
What equipment do I need?
When should I do this sequence?
Do you know that we now do online courses too?
If you want to do more yoga but are finding it hard to find the time then my online yoga programme Yoga21 is for you. The classes are all mapped out for you to easily select and follow. You can do them at a time of day that suits you: making small windows of time for self-care makes a huge difference to how you feel in your body.
If you enjoyed this video and would like to watch more, then check out our online video library. There are lots of yoga and workout videos for you to do in the comfort of your own home!
If you feel like you would benefit from some 1-to-1 support then click on the button below to book yourself in for a complementary consultation. We can then decide the best way forward for your fitness together.
Enjoy your time on the mat,
Victoria x