Working from home has been hard for our backs! Long working hours mean that working from the couch (or the bed!) are too tempting some days. Although both these spots seem to be a small luxury, they are not a treat for our backs and shoulders. They are never supportive enough for us to sit and work for an extended period of time so we inevitably start to round our shoulders to mirror the tuck in our pelvis as we leisurely sit back.
Over time this makes the muscles that give us good posture longer, weaker and less active. Yoga will not counteract hours sat like this but it will help you rebalance if you also make some lifestyle changes and set up a more back-friendly working environment!

Do you know that we now do online courses too?
If you want to do more yoga but are finding it hard to find the time then my online yoga programme Yoga21 is for you. The classes are all mapped out for you to easily select and follow. You can do them at a time of day that suits you: making small windows of time for self-care makes a huge difference to how you feel in your body.
Here is a short yoga sequence to help you increase your back health, alleviating tightness and improving mobility. Do both morning and night or at least once a day if your back is feeling particularly sore. Otherwise it is lovely to do after big days or workouts. Don’t worry if you need to skip a stretch or modify a movement – make it work for you and remember to listen to what feels good for your body.
If you enjoyed this video and would like to watch more, then check out our online video library. There are lots of yoga and workout videos for you to do in the comfort of your own home!
If you feel like you would benefit from some 1-to-1 support then click on the button below to book yourself in for a complementary consultation. We can then decide the best way forward for your fitness together.
Happy stretching!
Victoria x