The second lockdown has been a difficult time for so many of us. There are the normal winter bugs going around on top of coronavirus and even though we are in our houses most of the time, we still leave the house when we have to! In order to keep our immune systems as strong as possible, it is imperative to focus on your nutrition and to keep connected to what your body needs on a daily and weekly basis 🙂

How do you know if you have the right balance?
Be sure that you are balancing more challenging workouts with stretch and rehab (or prehab) sessions so that your body feels worked but nourished simultaneously. Furthermore, slower sessions that encourage deep breathing are amazing for positive mental health. Anxiety is likely to be up or at least increased for most people but keeping calm and grounded helps us deal more positively with change and the idea of further change.
Often the body shows signs of stress even when we don’t feel it. Sometimes stress can be an unconscious thing. The part of the body that seems to always take the brunt of stress overload is the back. A regular yoga practice aids good back health and strengthens it to cope with all life throws at us both physically and mentally.

The combination of this with poor working setup, working from home with endless online meetings and little break or movement time means that we are becoming increasingly inactive. Furthermore, sitting in unsupported positions throughout the day means that we are more vulnerable to back pain and other niggles in the body.
Here is a short and sweet 12 minute yoga sequence that you can do at any time of the day around your other commitments.
You don’t need a mat but having one is handy and makes you feel more stable as you go from posture to posture. You can wear any comfortable clothing that you like and it won’t make you sweaty so you don’t need to worry about not showering before resuming work or getting on with your job list.
Little and often is great for the body. If you like this sequence then check out some of the other yoga videos too – they are suitable for all levels and take up very little time. A little investment in you goes a long way and after just a few sessions you will feel so much looser and lighter in your body.
It is also a wonderful excuse for setting aside some space for self-care and a little calm bubble away from everything. Happy stretching!
See you on the mat,
Victoria x
If you enjoyed this video and would like to watch more, then check out our online video library. There are lots of yoga and workout videos for you to do in the comfort of your own home!