I love kettlebells! They are an amazing way of creating long lean muscle tissue and the majority of exercises involve a great deal of core activation due to the stabilisation required from the body. SO what does a short kettlebell workout provide?
a release of endorphins – yay for happy hormones!
a metabolism boost – accelerating fat burn and weight loss
lean muscle mass
a strong heart -it is a great cardiovascular workout
How often do I need to use them?
Ideally, you want to do either 150 mins moderate intensity or 75 minutes intense throughout the week. If you find the kettlebells quite intense and you are doing 15 minute workouts then it is great to aim for three- five workouts per week. You can then add in some walking, cycling, dancing or body conditioning to top it up 🙂 If you are training with us and doing one personal training session a week then two short workouts inbetween sessions with a couple of walks willl be perfect.

How do I know what weight to use?
Kettlebell work tends to be repetitive so you want to be able to lift it several times without needing to stop too much. If you are new to fitness and strength training then a 4 or 6kg kettlebell will be sufficient. If you are naturally strong or have been training a while then a 8/10/12kg will be more appropriate. Guys tend to start with 8kg and then work towards using a 12kg or 16kg kettlebell.
Better to start light, complete the workout and make sure that you don’t ache crazy amounts the 48 hours after. If all ok and not much ache, try increasing the weight by 2kg. keep doing this until you find the edge of your comfort zone.
The workout below consists of four easy exercises:
1) Wide squat
2) Shoulder Press
3) Bent over row
4) Sit up
45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest per exercise. Three times through with NO BREAK…although the joy of following a video is that you can pause the video and take a breather if you need!
The joy of these short videos is that you can fit them into a busy day. I like to train first thing, have breakfast and then pop into the shower and continue with life. Whilst dinner is in the oven is another great time to slot in some workout time! If you have enjoyed this little blitz then sign up to our newsletter to receive notifications for when new workouts are uploaded 🙂 To sign up, you can opt in in the box that appears when you first come onto the site or you can email me your address at victoriajonespt@yahoo.co.uk and I will happily add you.
I plan to add more videos over the next few weeks so if you have a request then let me know! Whether you train with us or you just came across our site online, I will happily cater to what you need 😊
Have a great workout! If you are struggling to workout regularly or have been unhappy with your fitness for a long time then we can help you! Nothing more disheartening than short bursts of work and then not being able to keep it going, requiring more effort and motivation to start again each time. Many of our clients train with us once a week (you can partner up with friend or family member too) and then we set them work that they can do independently the rest of the week. Doing the right exercise consistently is what gets the results! Book yourself a consultation today
Victoria xx