The stomach area is an area that many of us want to tone and strengthen. Modern day lifestyle, convenience foods and limited time for conditioning means that our body is in need of core training. This has an aesthetic appeal for sure but more importantly, strong core muscles protect our spine from any injury that may occur when we put any kind of stress through our body. Our “core”” muscles are those deep within our pelvis and also include, our glutes (butt cheeks), shoulders and upper back. These need to all work in order for us to have good posture and to keep away the niggles and pains that accompanies poor posture.

The good news is that you can take steps towards strengthening your core without needing hours and hours in the week. Small, short, frequent focused work will activate all the muscles you need to move well and feel confident in your body. The most important thing with these exercises is that you have good form and that you feel it in your stomach. If you feel it in your back then film yourself or look in the mirror when doing it and see if you are doing it any differently to how I am in the video 🙂 If you want to send me videos of you doing it then I am happy to offer free feedback to help you on your fitness journey…get ready to feel the burn 🔥🔥🔥
The joy of these short videos is that you can tie them into your normal workout routine or do it after your normal walk or run – it is also great in isolation so squeeze it in if you need to! If you have enjoyed this little blitz then sign up to our newsletter to receive notifications for when new workouts are uploaded 🙂 To sign up, you can opt in in the box that appears when you first come onto the site or you can email me your address at and I will happily add you.
If you are struggling to workout regularly or have been unhappy with your fitness for a long time then we can help you! Nothing more disheartening than short bursts of work and then not being able to keep it going, requiring more effort and motivation to start again each time. Many of our clients train with us once a week (you can partner up with friend or family member too) and then we set them work that they can do independently the rest of the week. Doing the right exercise consistently is what gets the results! Book yourself a consultation today 💪
Have a great workout!
Victoria xx