We are pleased to announce that from Monday 6th July, we will be offering outdoor training and yoga to those of you that are keen to get in some face-to-face time with myself and the team! Guidelines are yet to say that we can come into your home (although I am aware that this may change) so it is essential that we can enter your garden without passing through your house. We will then set our own mat up 2m from yours and will wipe down any equipment as needed. We will verbally guide you and maintain 2m distance throughout the session so the workout session is totally safe for both client and trainer.
We cannot train indoors so if the weather looks awful then please feel free to make plans for a zoom session with your trainer. Once your trainer is with you then we are outdoors for the full session no matter what…that waterproof in the cupboard may come in handy! If you plan an outdoor face-to-face session but it ends up being on zoom, then please note that it will still be charged as a face-to-face session as trainer has put appropriate time aside to travel to you, set up etc.

I know that some of you are very used to zoom training now and might be considering continuing training online or having a percentage of your training online. We want to cater for all of your wants and needs! Zoom training is also much better for the environment and saves us hours in our cars every week. Those of you that do continue on zoom (full or part-time) then you have the opportunity to save some money as we now offer cheaper training packages for online training. Please check out our Online and Hybrid packages here. If you are keen to get back training face-to-face then the monthly payment hasn’t changed.
Have a think about what you would like going forward and let me know asap so we can plan your sessions accordingly 🙂 The business now has a new bank account so I will send you a personal invoice with those new details attached.

I can’t thank you enough for all your support throughout these difficult few months. I know I can speak for myself and the team when I say that seeing you all on zoom has lifted our spirits daily and kept us going through lockdown.
If you had to stop your training but would like to start with us again then let us know and I will get you in the diary! If you meant to get fit in the lockdown period but it didn’t quite workout then book a free consultation so we can get you on the road to success.
Personal Training is what we live to do and guiding you all on your fitness journeys is an absolute honour.
Victoria and the Free Spirit Team xx