There has been much confusion over the speech made yesterday by the PM and the mixed documentation that has arisen as a result. It is apparent that exercising and sports are still limited to household participation. You can meet other people in the park or an outdoor area to chat providing you are two meters apart.
One thing I love about our work is that it is personal – we come into your homes (often with equipment that we share with you), guide your workout and are on hand to support you in any way we can. Sometimes that is standing behind you when you are squatting heavy or doing those last few burpees with you to help you achieve your goals.
It is tricky with social distancing to really deliver the sessions in the way we would like to. Therefore, we will be continuing to hold all sessions online until further notice.

We are so looking forward to seeing you all face-to-face and hope that with being sensible about this, more freedom will be encouraged sooner rather than later. The government is not totally clear with the guidelines and so fitness professionals will be doing what they feel is right.
I feel like it is right for now to stay as we are, protecting your health as well as the health of the team.
We hope to keep you all updated as the situation and guidance evolve. We have done the hard bit – let’s make it count.
Love and health,
Victoria and the Free Spirit Team xx