They say it takes three weeks to form a habit so if you have been doing good things since isolation began then don’t stop now! It is so easy when we feel good to stop doing the things that are actually making and keeping us feeling good. It is way harder to motivate yourself when you are on the down so go go go… Grip onto that exercise routine with both hands and don’t let… go!

When you first entered isolation, you may well have reflected on your life before isolation – what you liked/didn’t like and how motivated or inspired you were in the regular rhythm of normal life. Now I want you to reflect on your current experience. How fulfilled do you feel at the end of each day and each week? If you feel totally awesome, then skip reading this bit and go ahead straight to the relaxation and lying down otherwise ask yourself how could I enrich my experience of daily life at home? What do I need more of?
DIY life-improvement actions
For those of you who missed the first or/and second class and would like to give it a go either now or another time, you will find both links below 🙂
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