Many of you will be on your fourth day of isolation (if not more) and the reality of every day at home will be settling in. To some that might be a wonderful thought but I think for many of us, being at home without much social interaction brings with it a whole host of challenges. This new set up challenges our routine, our hobbies and our work and family life habits. It can be unsettling and many of you may be having waves or more constant feelings of anxiety: this is totally normal! There is a lot to worry about right now but the more positive and balanced you can feel INSIDE, the more you can bring this into your home environment.
Feeling good inside is not always easy to achieve and we can’t expect to feel ok always but we can set ourselves up for the best possible outcome. Write a list of 10 things that make you feel happy and try to do at least one or two of them every day. This is the stuff that fills your soul and helps you out by nourishing you through the harder times. Moving, sleeping and eating regularly help us feel more balanced individuals – it is often the basic things that ground us and give us the most comfort.

Remove from your head that exercise needs to be a certain length. Instead, embrace any opportunity that presents itself! Whether that is 10 mins jogging round your garden or 20 minutes stretching whilst dinner is cooking – it is the consistent input and attention to your wellbeing that is going to keep you thriving in these challenging weeks.
Please see below the second relaxation class: it is suitable for all levels and you don’t need to have done the first class to enjoy this one. However if you feel like you would like the practice to be longer then you can always do the two classes back to back 🙂 Feel free to put on music that relaxes you in the background and reduce the light in the room to give you those restorative vibes. Follow with nice hot bath or shower for the ultimate nourishing experience.
Do let me know if you tried the class and whether you enjoyed it. It really lifts me to hear that people are using and feeling benefit from the videos.
Let’s keep moving, breathing and shining together,
Victoria and the Free Spirit Team xxx
For those of you who missed the first class and would like to give it a go either now or another time 🙂
If you enjoyed this video and would like to watch more of our videos then check out our online video library. There are lots of yoga videos and workout videos for you to do at home 🙂