For many people, stress may be on the increase with changes occurring in both your professional and personal life. The difficulty is that much of what is happening is not within our control and therefore we spend lots of time worrying about what we would do or how we would cope in all possible situations. This is counterproductive for two reasons: the first is that you may be worrying about a situation that will never arise and secondly, often you cannot prepare for what you will do if a particular situation arises. You only really know how you are going to feel and what you are therefore going to prioritise when it actually happens so this mental forward planning is likely to just be adding to your stress rather than helping you in any way.
The best thing you can do is focus on the now: the next hour and the day you are in. What are you going to do that the time is as enjoyable as possible for you and your family? What is going to make you feel positive and calm? Can some good come out of this time at home?

Last night we put our little boy to bed and rolled out our yoga mats. Taking the time to breathe and connect with your body gives you back a sense of control as you realise your internal environment (what is happening in your head) is what you can control and if that is calm and centered then you are best equipped to cope with whatever the coming weeks have in store.
I believe it is also an opportunity for more family time, for a calling friends you haven’t spoken to in a while, for reading, writing, painting, looking after your garden, take long baths, cook wholesome meals for everyone…it is a great opportunity for you to take stock and look at your life. Enjoy the long days and time slowing down. If you aren’t poorly then your body, your adrenal glands are going to appreciate the break.
Here is a 25 minute yoga sequence designed to stretch and ground you at the end of the day (or also nice first thing in the morning). You can do it whenever you feel scared or worried about what the future holds.
One thing is for sure, you are stronger than you know you are and who knows, there might be some habits you develop in the coming months that you will carry forward back into “normal life.
All change brings with it the opportunity for growth.
Here to support you in anyway we can,
Victoria and the Free Spirit Team xxx
If you enjoyed this video and would like to watch more of our videos then check out our online video library. There are lots of yoga videos and workout videos for you to do at home 🙂