Our priority over the next few months is keeping you safe and doing everything we can to minimise the risk of spreading the virus further. We will currently still come to your house to train you provided that you have no symptoms and have not come into contact with anyone who had any. If you have any symptoms or even regular flu or a cold, we ask that you contact us to rearrange your booked session. We feel it better to be extra cautious as if we get anything, we can’t help any of you!
If you have a high temperature (37.8 or higher) and/or a cough, it is recommended that you self-isolate for 7 days. The government’s latest medical advice can be found here.
We will keep our distance a bit more than usual so there may be less hugs and high fives! We will also clean our kit, mats and wash our hands in-between all our sessions.
UK active have stated that “We know people are worried about coronavirus, but being fit and healthy is an important deterrent to the risk of infection in the first place” and “therefore crucial that members of the public continue to lead active lives throughout this period, whether that is using your local gym, walking or cycling to work, or doing the gardening.”

Please also know that you have the option to:
- Opt for Skype training (you can also use FaceTime or any other social media outlet) with your trainer so that you can still keep your fitness up whilst reducing person to person contact.
- Put your sessions on hold until a later date, banking the ones already paid for (particularly if you are over 70 or have pre-existing health conditions).
- Rearrange any booked sessions that are proving tricky due to changing work and home situations. We will try to be as flexible as possible at this difficult time.
It is hard to know at this point in time how things will evolve but we will keep communicating with you and responding to what is recommended.
Let’s all stay safe and healthy,
Victoria and the Free Spirit Team xx