Why Do Some Manage Stress Better Than Others?
Stress is a universal problem that affects us in many different ways. We all have varying amounts of it and some people are better coping at coping with it than others. Why do some people manage stress better than others? Is it that they are stronger people?

Stress is All Consuming!

Self Care Is Important!

More Yoga!!
What Do We Think at Free Spirit Fitness?
We are a team that believe that we need to be constantly evolving as individuals, furthering our skills and expertise so that we can offer you the best variety of training possible. We have the toolbox to help you live your best life – the better you feel in your body and the better it works for you, the easier focusing on the bigger things is.
We support you in chasing your dreams – whether that is being able to run with the kids, walking the great wall of china or being able to comfortably wear those jeans you really love. It is not easy to get fit, stay fit and maintain a healthy weight in modern life. Often, our jobs and life obligations means that we are sedentary and tired so that we feel we don’t have the time to regularly exercise or that we are too tired to do anything when the opportunity does arise. Here at Freespirit, we actually make that exercise routine happen! Like you make your dentist appointments, you will make your fitness appointments. You don’t need to think about when you need to do it or feel bad for not doing it. We book the sessions and let the good times roll! Book yourself a FREE CONSULTATION today, contact us
Contact Us
You can contact us via email, telephone or social media. We will be happy to help.
Ask us all the of the questions detailed above, are we the perfect fit for you?
e: victoriajonespt@yahoo.co.uk
t: 07912 444 660
Client Testimonial
” Free Spirit works for me!! I’m back on track, and feel much leaner, healthier and brighter … eating well, exercising and enjoying being back in control of me!! I’d have no hesitation in recommending Free Spirit!! “