Lay Down Your Yoga Mat!
Lay your mat out at home or in the garden, expose those toes and get ready to stretch! You can use a block or two if you have them but they aren’t essential. You can use the couch or anything else that is available if you need some help to balance. A lot of you have been asking so…

Yoga at Home!
Here is a delightful short yoga sequence that you can do in just 20 minutes! Sneak away from the chaos and make a little time to connect with your body. It is amazing the difference that small chunks of “you time” can make to your mental and physical health. Making the time to process what you are feeling allows you to cope with challenges in a way that is mindful and calm – much better than drowning our mixed confused feelings in a box of brownies – often no wiser when we see the bottom! It doesn’t matter whether you come to your mat for 5 minutes or 50 or whether you do a dynamic practice or just sit and breathe. What matters is that your actions are affirming the positive truths that:
- Your mental health matters
- You deserve your time and energy

Self Care Is Important!
The relationship you have with yourself is at the heart of the rest of your life. You are the seed, the energy, the centre of all your current and future experiences. The better you are, the better they are likely to be. Taking care of yourself is the least selfish thing you can do!
Feel free to make any modifications to the video below – it is just a guideline. You can take childs pose any time you need to rest: remember that this time is for you to give yourself what YOU need. The only thing essential to this practice is the breath. Breathe slow and deeply throughout. This breath has the power to change you, if you are ready to let it.
Would You Like More Yoga?
Would you like more online yoga videos? And if so, is twenty minutes the ideal length for you or would you like some longer ones too? Let me know if there is anything you would like me to focus on. If you are really lucky, I may even put together a little library for you.
Remember, the most important thing is to show up and arrive on your mat.
See you soon and take good care of you.
Victoria xx

What Do We Think at Free Spirit Fitness?
We are a team that believe that we need to be constantly evolving as individuals, furthering our skills and expertise so that we can offer you the best variety of training possible. We have the toolbox to help you live your best life – the better you feel in your body and the better it works for you, the easier focusing on the bigger things is.
We support you in chasing your dreams – whether that is being able to run with the kids, walking the great wall of china or being able to comfortably wear those jeans you really love. It is not easy to get fit, stay fit and maintain a healthy weight in modern life. Often, our jobs and life obligations means that we are sedentary and tired so that we feel we don’t have the time to regularly exercise or that we are too tired to do anything when the opportunity does arise. Here at Freespirit, we actually make that exercise routine happen! Like you make your dentist appointments, you will make your fitness appointments. You don’t need to think about when you need to do it or feel bad for not doing it. We book the sessions and let the good times roll! Book yourself a FREE CONSULTATION today, contact us
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” Free Spirit works for me!! I’m back on track, and feel much leaner, healthier and brighter … eating well, exercising and enjoying being back in control of me!! I’d have no hesitation in recommending Free Spirit!! “