Soul Nourishing Escapism - Are you planning a Retreat or Holiday this summer?
Let your Instincts Guide You!
Those of you that know me well, know that each year I take a week or two away to dedicate to training and PLAY, both of which I am extremely passionate about. An interest in Acroyoga many years ago connected to me a network of fantastic international teachers, body workers and movement enthusiasts – and for me, it is total soul food: the magic bubble that reveals your true self. This includes your insecurities and fears but also your inner child and your need for connection and support. In this time away, you are just you, free of all the responsibilities you have chased and acquired at home. You are there for you, to learn and to let yourself be truly vulnerable to the experiences that each new day brings. This year is no different as this month I travel to Oliveri in Sicily for the Sicily Acrobatic Convention to get my training ON! I am excited and terrified all at once.

What Motivates You?
Connecting with people and training are my two biggest motivators in this crazy life where every day we feel the push and pull of financial and social pressures. But in my mind, I don’t think it matters what you do if you choose to escape but that you do it for the purpose of COSMIC JOY: the notion that you can do something for the purpose of experiencing happiness. How selfish and radical the simplicity of that sounds! Like all holidays right? Not quite – family holidays or holidays with your friend or partner do not allow this self exploration nor the freedom to do entirely as you please. Subconsciously, you will want to please them and take their needs constantly into your decisions (because you love them). Your trip may be a photography or travel trip with a group of strangers, maybe learning a foreign language, maybe a yoga or health retreat – it doesn’t matter if you instinctively feel it calling you and know that good or bad, it will teach you more about yourself. By allowing yourself to indulge, you energise yourself and will have more to give to your family and at work on return.

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone!
I did my diploma for Thai massage in Leamington Spa one year and that too, created this feeling of escapism albeit a lot closer to home than previous years. I hadn’t done much massage or meditation before so it was going to be a totally new set of skills and potential challenges. We all have different bandwidths and bank-widths for personal development but I think it is so important to ruffle up your own feathers to the point that you feel a little uneasy. It is on that uncomfortable turf that you allow yourself to grow and you can feel what you changes you need to make (if any) to increase the level of harmony in your life: harmony between your internal and external environment. Is everything you wanted turned out to be as you thought? Are you happy in all areas of your life? What needs to change?
When we are young, life is full of big decisions. Many of us, myself included, spent our 20s feeling like a permanently fluffed-up pidgeon! But as we get older, life gets more stable as we “settle down” and find our place in or out of the working world. The danger being that we could become drifters, who drift for too long down a river that we were never really interested in seeing! To avoid merely drifting, I believe we need to bravely step outside where we are so we can return with a vision that offers us more clarity.

Focus On The Prize!
I think this benefits EVERYONE on a personal level but if you have a side project, work project or are running a new or established business – you can attain a fresh pair of eyes in a space that allows you to reflect more objectively. Like the Buddha quote about mediation –
“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day. Unless you’re too busy, then you should sit for an hour.”
The bigger your business or project, the longer and more frequently time out will benefit your mission. Not only because you are more likely to be exhausted and replenishing your energy levels is going to improve your performance and efficiency – but simply because there is more to process. There is the gift of the open mind with broad channels of reception and vision but navigating a viable path requires boundaries and decision: to focus on nothing but the footsteps in front of you. This is a very delicate and difficult balance to properly achieve.

Learn, Learn, Learn, Together we are better!
On a slightly more basic level, I am a big believer that unity brings about more good than any lone individual! I learn so much from working and training with different people – difference people from different cultures and backgrounds bring new perspectives and approaches to reoccurring challenges. I always return home with lots of new training material, more than I could ever get from a textbook or online course! And, then – the magical second part to this process – is that I then get to share these new exercises and body wisdom with you. I always want to be an inspiring trainer in the sense that I want to inspire you to evolve your life into one that makes you feel happy to be you (both inside and outside). I believe that to be inspiring, you need to stay inspired. You can be a good PT but to really bring the energy, you need a fire burning inside of you – a real desire to help each and every individual you work with. This training always fuels my fire.

Enjoy The Present Moment!
Some of you may have read my blog on “aparigraha”, the concept of gratitude and with that, nurturing an appreciation for where you are and what you have. A friend and teacher of mine, is a nomad – she teaches internationally and has no base where she lives. Recently, she wrote about making meaningful connections with people sooner than perhaps they expect. By meaningful connection, in this instance I am just referring to opening up and being more honest or vulnerable sooner than we have come to culturally expect (not that passing the time of day with someone, talking rubbish or joking with someone doesn’t have value) and on reflection, she noted that she her life is transient and therefore her time with people is limited in any given circumstance so it means that she has to live and be real with each moment. Changing environments for me is as natural as taking a new coat out for the day. The old makes you appreciate the new and the new reminds you of everything you love about the old, refreshing and reprocessing your appreciation. With appreciation, comes gratitude – with gratitude comes feelings of happiness and joy. What is not to love?!

What Do We Think at Free Spirit Fitness?
We are a team that believe that we need to be constantly evolving as individuals, furthering our skills and expertise so that we can offer you the best variety of training possible. We have the toolbox to help you live your best life – the better you feel in your body and the better it works for you, the easier focusing on the bigger things is. We support you in chasing your dreams – whether that is being able to run with the kids, walking the great wall of china or being able to comfortably wear those jeans you really love. It is not easy to get fit, stay fit and maintain a healthy weight in modern life. Often, our jobs and life obligations means that we are sedentary and tired so that we feel we don’t have the time to regularly exercise or that we are too tired to do anything when the opportunity does arise. Here at Freespirit, we actually make that exercise routine happen! Like you make your dentist appointments, you will make your fitness appointments. You don’t need to think about when you need to do it or feel bad for not doing it. We book the sessions and let the good times roll! Book yourself a FREE CONSULTATION today, contact us.
Train hard but always play harder!
Wishing you all a fun weekend,
Victoria x
Let Us Help!
If you would like any help or support getting started or staying motivated with Yoga or Fitness then let us know. We help people all over Warwickshire get motivated and STAY motivated. Working out consistently over time is the only thing that works so it is important that you enjoy what you do and have fun on your fitness journey!
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t: 07912 444 660
Client Testimonial
” I train with Victoria regularly and because she knows my strengths and weaknesses, I felt that she was able to focus on the parts of my body that needed it most. I am now 1 stone lighter, 20 times stronger and 100 times happier after 12 months with Free Spirit Fitness! “
Mary Dunn