What is prehab?
Prehab is everything to do with injury PREVENTION. The idea being that it is much more effective to train the body prior to injury rather than to wait for inevitable injury to occur before then trying to correct the imbalances in the body afterwards. Athletes often do separate prehab sessions but for most people, it makes sense to incorporate it into their weekly fitness program. Prehab primes the body for action by activating, mobilising and stabilising key muscles, joints and weak spots.

Why does everybody need it?
EVERYONE has imbalances in their body: some muscles will function better and therefore be more dominant than others. Similarly, we all have areas in our bodies that would benefit from a little extra focus. The stronger the more dominant muscles get, the more likely it is that other muscles will take a back seat. This means that some muscles are under increasing amounts of strain and others are losing strength as the weeks go by. Unfortunately, this cycle often repeats until injury occurs…this is what we want to avoid! No injury and no rehab thank you very much 🙂

Check us out!
I was delighted to read in women’s health this weekend that Free Spirit Fitness Culture is at the forefront in pioneering fitness programs that offer an integration of both physio and training program. Prehab is “the word on the lips and agendas of the UK’s top trainers” with London’s wellbeing brand ‘Bodyism’ offering all new clients a full assessment prior to starting their training program.

What is the first step?
The majority of people come to Freespirit with old injuries, niggles or joints that they know aren’t functioning optimally. They are now starting their journey by making an appointment with our partner company Rejuven8 Physio. From this starting block, the Personal Training team and Yoga Instructors are given all the relevant feedback from Rejuven8 Physio Lou as to what the client needs to get them to that first platform, where they can then start to really push their strength and fitness. This means perhaps a slower start, but a faster acceleration to your BEST body and it means that injuries are less likely to interfere with your long term fitness goals! Hoorah!

What if I’ve already started Personal Training?
Quite a few Freespirit trainees have seen Lou since we partnered and as a result, have been enjoying the benefit of more focused training sessions as we get the body pain-free and ready to focus on that next holiday or fitness challenge. You do not need to have an injury to see Lou! If you are curious to know how balanced your body is and would like your movements evaluated, then take action and book an appointment today! You can reach Lou at rejuven8physio@gmail.com 🙂