Vegetarian Recipe
It is the 21st century and anyone who is anyone worth knowing bathes in quinoa at least once a week! If this isn’t you then here is your GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to join the cool kids! After all, quinoa isn’t “just” cool, it is also super nutritious in that it is high fibre, high protein AND it contains all the essential amino acids. I admit, I find it slightly bland in a solo capacity but most delicious with my favourite cypriot friend, Halloumi.

The great thing about this recipe is its versatility. You can add any veggies that need to be used up from the fridge. I managed to find some red onions, red peppers, tomatoes and spinach to add to the convenient tomato and olive quinoa pouch (thank you Aldi)! I use coconut oil to cook and roughly half a block of halloumi for two servings.

Fry up your onions and peppers with some coconut oil. At the same time, fry your halloumi in a dry non-stick pan (it produces its own water) on a medium heat. Cook the Quinoa as the pack instructs and add the cooked quinoa to the onions and peppers. Then add in the spinach and tomatoes and top with Halloumi. If Halloumi isn’t your bag then small amounts of goats cheese or feta is also very delicious! You can have this at home or you can batch cook to take to work where you can have it cold or blitz it briefly in the microwave for a yummy hot lunch.

Enjoy and welcome to the cool club 😉
Happy Eating,
Victoria xx