When I started training with Victoria in January 2012 I never imagined that six years on I would still be training with her and more recently, with other members of her team. Then, it was all about making better use of the time that I devoted to keeping myself fit. We did this by working through a properly designed and managed exercise programme. It still is, but now we have a few more goals to incorporate!
The meticulous attention to detail becomes even more important as the ageing process makes ever-changing demands. More than ever, I have learned the importance of listening to my body and we make sure that our training regimes provide what the body needs. Exercise books filled with programmes and plans are testimony to the detailed attention that has been given to meeting my specific and ever-changing needs.
So what has changed for me?
Yes it is still about being strong and fit but now we have to look at things like balance, agility, and flexibility. The introduction of one to one yoga has played a critical role in tackling some of these aspects. I never thought that at my age I would be doing a reasonable ‘warrior’. OK it does need my trainer to do a little tweaking to get it right but I am getting there. The addition of boxing has proved a real winner with me, both with my trainers and with a punch ball. I haven’t ‘boxed’ since I was a boy and then it was definitely not Queensbury rules! It is great for agility and upper body strength, and at the same time providing an excellent way of working off some of life’s frustrations!!
Has it all been hard work?
And along the way during the six years we have had a few good laughs; it doesn’t have to be hard slog all the time. The Free Spirit way seems to allow for a bit of humour alongside the hard work. Long may I go on as a Free Spirit.